Signature Moments
A distinctive, memorable, and instantly recognizable experience
Lead designer
Iconic interactions that both delight and bring the data forward
A signature moment is an iconic feature or interaction that both delights and brings the data forward, without getting in the customer’s way. These moments are distinctive, memorable, and instantly recognizable as specific to one particular brand. Some people call these “wow” moments. An Amazon Shopping signature moment is any shopping interaction with a customer that is iconic, delightful, useful, and instantly recognizable as Amazon.
Design micro-interactions that both solve the problem and delight customers
Amazon research team had extensive research findings of customer’s shopping behavior and needs while using the app. From these findings, I created unique and memorable micro-interactions that not only relieve customer pain points but also enhance the overall shopping process.
Amazon shopping research team conducted extensive user researches about customers' shopping behavior and pain points. I read through all of those research findings and chose some issues that could be solved by unique micro-interactions.
Signature moments
Reimagined the shopping app for tablet device
When customers initiate actions, the app reacts with dynamic animations to make the shopping a little more exciting.
Clear feedback for adding items to a cart
When customers add an item to a cart, the app shows an animation that depicts adding an item to the cart.
See browsing history to move back to the moment quickly
By pressing and holding the back button, customers can see all of their browsing histories. From there, they can move to the moment of their shopping journey.
Visual filerting
When customers customize the filter, animated icons help them understand it more apparent.
Checkbox becomes a gift box.
A simple UI treatment can enhance the overall customer experience. Customers are instantly aware that the gift option is selected without reading a text.
Promote the main feature of the product
Simple animation helps customers instantly recognize the new feature of the product.
Contextual loading indicator
A contextual loading animation brings delight to the moment.
See bigger images on the spot
To see bigger product images, customers need to tap multiple times and tab back to the detail page to make a product purchasing decision. This concept helps customers evaluate the product right on the page instead of going to the image viewing mode.
Navigate between pages by lifting a finger
When customers navigate to another page, they need to click more than two times to get to the page they want. This concept solves this problem. Customers can go to the desired page by swiping the left edge screen to bring navigation and lifting a finger to select a page. No secondary tap is required. Swipe then lift a finger.
We presented these signature moments first to SVP of shoppings and got excellent feedback. He was very supportive of these moments. We met other business people who own each section of the app and presented them. They were very excited, but not all the team could implement these signature moments due to their timeline and engineering resources. Luckily, some groups were happy about these moments and brought them to customers.